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Pakistani experienced body spa massage therapy center Ajman

5 Benefits of Traditional Pakistani Massage Therapies

Pakistani massage therapies are a form of alternative and traditional medicine that originated in Pakistan and have been practiced for centuries. They are based on the principles of balancing the energy channels in the body, removing toxins, and enhancing well-being. Pakistani massage therapies include various techniques such as tapping, kneading, squeezing, and stretching, as well as the use of herbal oils and aromatherapy.

Massage Center in Ajman

Pakistani massage therapies are very popular in UAE as they offer a unique and satisfying experience for the mind, body, and spirit. In this blog post, we will explore five benefits of traditional Pakistani massage therapies and why you should try them today.

1. Lowers stress and anxiety

One of the main benefits of Pakistani massage therapies is that they can lower your stress and anxiety levels by relaxing your nervous system and releasing endorphins, the natural feel-good hormones. A study found that Pakistani massage therapies significantly reduced the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, and increased the levels of serotonin, a mood-enhancing hormone, in the saliva of healthy volunteers1. By lowering your stress and anxiety, Pakistani massage therapies can also improve your mental health and prevent depression.

2. Relieves pain and inflammation

Another benefit of Pakistani massage therapies is that they can relieve pain and inflammation in your muscles and joints by improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Pakistani massage therapies can also reduce muscle tension and spasms by stretching and loosening the tight areas. A study found that Pakistani massage therapies reduced pain and improved function in patients with chronic low back pain2. Another study found that Pakistani massage therapies reduced pain and increased range of motion in patients with knee osteoarthritis.

3. Boosts immunity and detoxification

Pakistani massage therapies can also boost your immunity and detoxification by stimulating your lymphatic system, which is responsible for fighting infections and eliminating waste products from your body. By applying pressure and movement to specific points on your body, Pakistani massage therapies can enhance the flow of lymph fluid and help your body get rid of toxins. This can also improve your skin health and prevent acne, eczema, and other skin problems.

4. Increases energy and vitality

Pakistani massage therapies can also increase your energy and vitality by balancing your energy channels, or Sen, which are believed to carry life force throughout your body. According to this theory, when your energy channels are blocked or imbalanced, you may experience fatigue, weakness, or illness. Pakistani massage therapies can open or constrict different Sen to correct the flow of life energy and restore your health and wellness.

5. Enhances beauty and appearance

Pakistani massage therapies can also enhance your beauty and appearance by nourishing your skin, hair, and nails with herbal oils and aromatherapy. Pakistani massage therapies can also stimulate collagen production and improve skin elasticity by increasing blood flow to your face. A study found that Pakistani massage therapies improved facial skin moisture, sebum content, elasticity, brightness, smoothness, wrinkles, spots, pores, redness, roughness and acne scars.